Rebecca Steiner, M.Sc.

Visitor address:
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Institute of Computer Science
Staudingerweg 9
55128 Mainz
Room: 03-419    E-Mail: rsteiner(at)uni-mainz.deCV

Research Interests

Random graphs, (computability, category, probability) theory


Principles of Probability Theory and Statistics
Teaching Assistant & Co-Organizer Lab Course, WT 24/25

Formal Aspects of Cryptographic Concepts
Co-Organizer, ST 24

Principles of Probability Theory and Statistics
Teaching Assistant, WT 23/24

Formal Languages and Computability
Co-Organizer, ST 23

Principles of Probability Theory and Statistics
Teaching Assistant, WT 22/23

Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms
Student Teaching Assistant, WT 21/22

Formal Languages and Computability
Student Teaching Assistant, ST 21

Complexity Theory
Student Teaching Assistant, WT 20/21

Computer Architecture and Organization
Student Teaching Assistant, WT 18/19